Advanced Brain Training

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Welcome to Advanced Brain Training

These pages will direct you to blogs especially designed as advanced brain training.  They represent the most complicated and demanding brain training exercises in existence.  As such, these brain training exercises are designed to give your brain a WORKOUT of top quality!



See blog entitled “Discover What Your Mind Can Do“, where I recommend the brain training program by

See blog entitled “Virtual Mental Gymnasium“, where I recommend the brain training programs by

See blog entitled “Attention Brain Game Lovers“, where I refer to the recently published article “Brain Training Software Market Size and Forecast” (by Verified Market Research).

See blog entitled “The Utmost Brain Training Program“, where I recommend the brain training program by

See blog entitled “Boost Cognitive Function at any Age”,  where I recommend an article on Dr. Majid Fotuhi of the NeuroGrow Brain Fitness Center.

See blog entitled “Can Brain Training Work”, where I refer to the recently published article “Does Brain Training Work – Yes, if it meets these 5 conditions“.

See blog entitled “15 Board Games That Make You Smarter”, where I review a few online articles on the subject.

See blog entitled “Does Playing a Musical Instrument Make You Smarter?“, where I review a recent PsychologyToday article on the subject.

See blog entitled “9 Best Brain Training Websites” where I review a recent article in VeryWellMind on the subject.

See blog entitled Tips for Improving Your Mental Capacity where I review a recent article by Jim Kwik on MariaShriver’s website.

See blog entitled:  “The Biggest Book of Brain Games”, where I recommend the book “The Big Book of Brain Games”.

See blog entitled “How to Keep your Memory Sharp As You Age”where I discuss a recent “Brain Boot Camp” class by UCLA Longevity Center.

See blog entitled Cognitive Interventions For Improving  Brain Plasticity, where I discuss a few recent articles on the topic.

See blog entitled “2 Weeks To a Younger Brain – Gary Small”where I review this book on

See  blog entitled Playing video games as a child helps memory later on in life, where I discuss a few recent articles on the topic.

See blog entitled How to Have An Unlimited Memory, where I review this book on

See blog entitled “How To Stimulate Your Brain And Senses”, where I discuss a recent article in the Huffington Post.

See blog entitled “Doing Internet Searches Is Good For Your Brain”, where I discuss a recent article from The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and a YouTube video by Dr. Gary Small.

See blog entitled “How to Improve Your Memory in Just 30 Days”, where I discuss this book on

See blog entitled “30 Ways to Stimulate Your Mental Capacity”, where I discuss a recent article from Life Optimizer.

See blog entitled “Brain Training Mastery Strategies You Can Do At Any Time”, where I recommend the book “Brain Training Mastery:  Advanced Learning Strategies To Improve And Expand Memory Concentration And Be More Focalized”.

See blog entitled “Keep Sharp – Build A  Better Brain At Any Age, where I review this book by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, on

See blog entitled “New Brain Exercises To Improve Memory, Cognition and Creativity”, where I review a recent article from Medical News Today.

See blog entitled “How To Super-Charge your Brain”, where I review a recent article from Dakota Student.

See blog entitled “Neurobics Exercises to Keep Your Brain Alive”, where I review the book “Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic  Exercises to Help Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness” on

See blog entitled “New Discoveries To Help You Slow Down The Aging Process”, where I review the book Chasing Life:  New Discoveries in the Search for Immortality to Help You Age Less Today on

See blog entitled “Who Is Smarter?  Men Or Women”, where I review a few recent articles from the scientific community on the topic.

See blog entitled “Why Wealthy Affiliate is the best way to learn Affiliate Marketing?”,  where I review the Wealthy Affiliate program.

See blog entitled “Sharpen Your Brain With These 125 Best Brain-Teasers Of All Time”, where I review this book on

See blog entitled “Tech Devices That Read Your Brain.  See What’s On The Horizon In Brain Research”.

See blog entitled “Quiz Yourself on Top Mind Teasers – Then Brag About Your Score“.

See blog entitled “Train Your Brain to Learn Faster and Remember More”.

See blog entitled “The Science of Accelerated Learning”where I review this book on

See blog entitled “15 Memory Exercises Proven to Keep Your Brain Sharp”, where I review a recent article on TheHealthy.

See blog entitled “Match Wits With Mensa – Complete Quiz Book” , where I review this book on

See blog entitled “11 Most Effective Cognitive Skills To Speed Up Learning”, where I review a recent article on EMINETRA.

See blog entitled “How To Get Smarter:  Start With The Brain Itself”,  where I review a recent article on Wall Street Journal.