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How To Keep Your Mind Sharp As You Age

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This a review of an article recently published in SouthFloridaReporter entitled “6 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp As You Age“.

Are you keeping your mind sharp?
As knowledge about the aging process, as well as medical research and technology, continues to advance, so do the options for managing the many ways aging impacts your life. While biologically everyone ages differently, you can control some things by committing to healthy lifestyle choices that can keep your mind sharp for years to come.


Are you staying in motion?
A study published in “Neurology” found that formerly sedentary people who started walking three times a week actually improved executive function.  Executive function includes the myriad processes required for people to plan, focus attention, remember instructions and juggle multiple tasks.  Predicted brain age was lowered by nine years in just six months. In fact, exercises such as hiking were discovered to have an increased impact on brain health.


Are you enhancing brain performance?
Emerging medical advancements show that it may be possible to influence the aging process. The medical journal “Aging” published a world-first study in which researchers significantly enhanced cognitive performance of older adults by using a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) program. Some of the  main areas of improvement were those that typically declined with age, including memory, attention, information processing speed, stamina and       energy.


Are you improving your diet?
Diet is often seen as a pathway to weight loss but, as you get older, it’s important to understand the ways that your diet holds the keys to your health and physiology, as well as impacts brain function and the ability to concentrate. For example, fatty fish like salmon is rich in omega-3 acids, which are linked to lower risk of dementia, stroke and slower mental decline, according to the National Institutes of Health.  Berries, apples and tea can help lower dementia risk, as found in a study published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.”


Are you developing good sleep habits?
A healthy amount of sleep can go a long way toward maintaining good cognitive health. Most adults need at least seven hours of sleep each night to adequately rest their brains.  Here are some steps you can take to develop good sleep habits:   (1)  going to bed and getting up around the same time each day,  and (2) avoiding caffeine or food too close to bedtime.


Are you reducing and managing stress?
Few things cause aging as intensely or negatively as stress. Stress can lead to a variety of cognitive issues and manifest itself in your physical appearance, as well as in chronic conditions such as heart disease, depression and other psychological disorders. To help reduce and manage stress, consider practicing yoga or meditation, spending time enjoying nature, decluttering your home and getting adequate sleep.


Are you feeding your brain?
Like any muscle in the body, the brain needs stimulation and regular exercise to avoid atrophy and decline. Brain games and activities such as listening to music, reading, or arts and crafts can help maintain brain fitness. Blogging can also help engage your inner storyteller and use the brain to do something outside of its usual routine, something that involves both passive and active thinking.  There’s plenty of “brain food” available to devour. By reading and experiencing new things, as well as keeping your mind active with puzzles and games, you can slow age-related cognitive decline.


Learn more about enhancing your cognitive and physical performance, and feeling your best at any age, at


I hope you have enjoyed this writeup.  If you can use any of these suggestions, please let us know by leaving a comment below.


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Comments (4) on "How To Keep Your Mind Sharp As You Age"

  1. Great article. And a reminder that I need to start exercising lol… I’m improving all these different areas in my life and exercise is getting left for last. I can say for sure reading is a great way to keep your mind in shape as well as continually expand your knowledge. And Salmon……………. sigh, why do I hate fish so much? I guess I could always try the omega-3 horse capsules in the meanwhile, haha. Thanks for the info!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Chistina.   I’m glad you found the blog helpful.  As for salmon, I’m pretty sure that you could get as much benefit with raw almonds.  Let us know how you progress putting these suggestions in practice.

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